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CHE Value

Integration and Wholism

We take a comprehensive approach that addresses physical health education, mental counseling, social community activities, and spiritual growth through Bible study, ensuring a balanced focus on all aspects of human needs.

Participatory Learning

Instead of lecture-style teaching, we employ participatory learning methods such as discussions, role-playing, and hands-on practice to enhance problem-solving skills relevant to local contexts.

Development - Long-term Solutions

Going beyond short-term relief, we focus on sustainable agricultural techniques, income generation programs, and preventive medicine education to address root causes of poverty and disease cycles.


We train local residents who then educate others in neighboring villages, spreading knowledge and skills in culturally appropriate ways to foster organic growth of the movement.

Local Ownership

We actively involve the community in every step, from forming local committees and conducting resident-led needs assessments to developing plans that utilize local resources.

Servant Leadership

​We develop local leaders who serve their communities with humility, following Jesus' example to demonstrate practical love and care.

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