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Mission Field News

March 2022 (Issue 63)

Greetings in the name of Jesus! How have you been?

As winter's chill fades away and the warmth of spring emerges, I hope that the coldness in our hearts due to COVID-19 also thaws, bringing renewal like spring buds.

WCHED Ministry

1) La Carlota Disaster Recovery (Rebuild Tomorrow Project)

On December 16, 2021, Super Typhoon Rai caused extensive damage to the Visayas region. With your support, we were able to initiate relief and development projects in La Carlota. Working with the trained CHE committee, we provided emergency relief and housing repairs. We prioritized elderly and single-parent households and selected 96 families, initially assisting 35 families with housing materials. Each family is repaying 70% of the material costs within a year, allowing us to support the next families in line. By March 2, 38 families had been assisted. For more details, visit our YouTube channel, WCHED. We are transitioning from relief to development, empowering residents to rebuild their community. Please pray for the completion of support for all 96 families and for a strong Christian community to form.

2) Youth Discipleship Program Graduation

The second cohort of our Youth Discipleship Program began on October 15, 2021, and graduated on February 18, 2022. Despite potential absences, participants attended via video calls, ensuring perfect attendance. These young leaders are now ready to serve the church and lead small groups. Please pray for these seven individuals to have a positive influence within their church and to boast only in the cross of Christ.

3) Iloilo Team’s CHE Ministry

The Biton Disciples Church in Iloilo faces a challenge as the family who provided the land for the church has requested its return. The church must relocate by May. Despite this, the church members and leaders are praying for God’s guidance and have started new feeding programs for children and youth in coastal areas. Additionally, the Banuyao Community Disciples Church suffered termite damage but has been able to remodel with the help of a senior missionary. The Hinactacan Disciples Church struggles due to various challenges, but faithful members continue to support it. Please pray for the spiritual strength of these churches and their positive impact on the community.

Thanksgiving News

1) Missionary Visa (3 Years) Application Completed

In January, we applied for a missionary visa in Iloilo and completed all procedures, including fingerprinting. Please pray for the issuance of a 3-year visa and foreign registration card.

2) Preparations for Hacinda Paz Disciples Church

We received a 30-pyeong plot of land donated by a local sugarcane field owner in Hacinda Paz. With proceeds from selling donated clothing, contributions from local missionaries, a personal donation from our child Yemin, and the voluntary labor of local residents, we are preparing to build a church. This building will be used for CHE training during the week and worship and Bible study on weekends. Please pray for the success of this project.

3) Moving to Talisay City

Our current lease in Bacolod expired on March 5, and despite difficulties finding a suitable house, God provided a new home in Talisay City just in time. We moved on March 12. We are grateful and look forward to continuing our missionary work in this new location.

PEACE Ministry

  • Plant Churches: Church Planting

  • Equip Servant Leaders: Training Leaders

  • Assist the Poor: Providing Relief

  • Care for the Sick: Health Ministry

  • Educate the Next Generation: Education

Prayer Requests

  1. For WCHED-PH and the Iloilo team to successfully reach new communities and be instruments for God’s kingdom.

  2. For the success of the mission fund to support the salaries of four workers on the Iloilo team.

  3. For the Promise Land (community training center) project to attract interested supporters and donors for land purchase and construction.

  4. For the healing of my right wrist after carpal tunnel surgery and the prevention of similar symptoms in my left wrist without surgery.

  5. For the issuance of our missionary visa and foreign registration card, and for our family’s safety from COVID-19.

  6. For God’s grace and peace to be with all our supporting churches and donors who support our family and ministry.

Donation Information (Account Holder Change)

  • Account Holder: GMP Baek Seok-beom

  • Hana Bank: 303-04-00002848

  • Account Holder: GMP Promise Land

  • Hana Bank: 303-04-00004-940

March 7, 2022 Missionaries Baek Seok-beom, Shin Kyung-ah, Yemin, and Ye-jun

For more details, visit our YouTube channel WCHED and our Facebook page WCHED-PH.


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