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May 2024 from MALAWI

 Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5)


May is the season when the mountains and fields grow greener, and God's love deepens.

In Korea, the flowers that bloomed in various colors are falling one by one, gradually fading away as we reach the end of spring, with the greenery becoming denser. Just like the fresh leaves of vegetation now beginning to take on a tender green hue and showcasing their beautiful colors, I hope that our love for God will also deepen and mature.

I bless you in the name of the Lord, wishing you a May filled with abundant love, warm hearts, and gratitude that can care for the families given to us as gifts, our neighbors, and even the souls in distant mission fields. It’s been a while since we last shared news from Malawi.

<ECD Center Construction and Ownership Planting>

Last year, with funding from the Korea International Cooperation Agency, we initiated an Early Childhood Development (ECD) project, allowing us to construct a comprehensive ECD center in the Chilindime village, which is a mission field of our affiliated organization, The Better World Malawi branch.

Despite various challenges, such as delays in selecting an architect through an open bidding process and two increases in exchange rates causing a sharp rise in construction material costs, the ECD center was completed early this year. On January 22, we opened the ECD center and began educating children.

With significant funding support, the project will bring dynamic changes to the village in the short term. However, for the project to lead to sustainable development and self-reliance of the community after its conclusion, there were many issues to consider. To address these, during the construction of the ECD center, we regularly trained nine teachers from the local community and established a committee of ten dedicated volunteers to oversee ECD education. This committee held regular meetings and received CHE (Community Health Evangelism or Education) training to explore self-reliance strategies for the ECD center in the future. Additionally, we initiated parental discipline education and literacy/numeracy classes to emphasize the importance of parental involvement and effort in early childhood education. Although The Better World supports the construction of the ECD center, it was crucial to communicate that the center belongs to the village residents, who must take responsibility for the costs associated with its operation.

Before the opening of the ECD center, the ECD Education Committee took the lead in holding meetings with parents who wished to enroll their children in the center to determine the tuition fees. Although most of them are impoverished, with an average monthly income of less than 30,000 KRW, this step was essential to eradicate chronic dependency. A minimum amount necessary for operational costs, including teacher salaries, nighttime security guards' wages, and supplies, was determined. Despite the fee not being insignificant relative to their standard of living, it is indeed a blessing that currently, all children's tuition fees are collected monthly, providing some support for the operation of the ECD center.

Given the size of the center and the scale of the ongoing programs, the tuition fees paid by parents are insufficient to cover 100% of the center's operating costs. However, we hope that through our ongoing work in this area, the community will develop, and the quality of life for individuals will improve, leading to a time when the community can fully sustain the center's operations on its own.

<Hope of the Community, Hope of Malawi... Bright Future ECD Center>

In honor of the parents who dream of a bright future for their children, the ECD center has been named the Bright Future ECD Center.

On February 29, we held the opening ceremony of the Bright Future ECD Center, attended by about 600 people, including representatives from the Malawi government, local community leaders, representatives from the sponsoring organization KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency), and village residents.

What was initially planned as a modest neighborhood celebration turned into a grand event with the attendance of the Minister of Women and Child Welfare of Malawi. Local officials and community leaders were delighted and impressed by the facilities and scale of the ECD center, which is unparalleled not only in rural areas but throughout Malawi. They expressed high expectations that our ECD center would play a significant role in generating many positive effects in similar rural areas where ECD education is lacking. Seeing the happy faces of those who attended the ceremony, I was deeply moved, thinking that God must also be very pleased with this day.

Current Status of the ECD Center

The ECD center currently enrolls about 120 children aged 3 to 5, divided into three classes based on their age. These children are cared for by nine teachers from the local community.

Previously, these nine teachers were providing care in an unstructured manner. However, over the past year, they have received specialized training through a three-phase program at AECDM (Association Early Childhood Development Malawi), an institution accredited by the Malawian government. In April, they successfully completed the final phase of their training.

The teachers' approach to caring for the children has become more professional and systematic, leading to increased satisfaction among parents and greater confidence among the teachers themselves. Consequently, the ECD center is always filled with vitality.

In March, Suhyun Ahn, a short-term missionary and ECD specialist dispatched from The Better World headquarters, joined our efforts, further enhancing the training of our teachers and the development of teaching materials and resources.

Suhyun Ahn plans to support the overall operation of the center to ensure its stable management, in addition to providing regular training for the ECD center teachers.

Parental Education Program

In addition to early childhood education, the ECD center conducts literacy and numeracy classes twice a week for the parents of enrolled children. Recognizing that the development of young children requires not only institutional education but also the involvement and education of parents at home, participation in these classes is a mandatory condition for enrolling their children in the ECD center. Surprisingly, parental participation has been very high, and the enthusiasm for learning is remarkable. Many mothers, who had to give up their education due to unwanted pregnancies or financial difficulties during middle and high school, have found joy in studying again. They are diligently participating without needing much encouragement. Watching them write shaky letters with trembling hands evokes a mix of pride, sympathy, and pity.

Although it may seem like a small and insignificant learning experience, the impact of the parents' education on their children will be enormous, beyond our imagination.

Just as small waves eventually become large waves, we hope that the parents' learning will have a significant and positive influence on the children at the ECD center. Please pray with us that the early childhood education and parental education currently taking place at the Bright Future ECD Center will become the hope of the community and, further, the hope of Malawi, transforming into an institution that truly lives up to its name.

Looking Back on the Past Year with Luri's Family

As missionaries affiliated with an NGO, one of the advantages is the opportunity to engage in various international development projects, in addition to directly spreading the Gospel.

In particular, my husband and I have been preparing and executing projects funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) since 2022. Through this experience, we have strengthened our capabilities in many areas, learning and gaining a lot. There were times when we were overwhelmed with work and felt like giving up, but each time, God sent helping hands and comforting people to remind us that we are not walking this path alone and that it is God's work.

As missionaries affiliated with an NGO, one of the advantages is the opportunity to engage in various international development projects, in addition to directly spreading the Gospel.

In particular, my husband and I have been preparing and executing projects funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) since 2022. Through this experience, we have strengthened our capabilities in many areas, learning and gaining a lot. There were times when we were overwhelmed with work and felt like giving up, but each time, God sent helping hands and comforting people to remind us that we are not walking this path alone and that it is God's work.

Last July, following the previous year, the short-term mission team from the Onnuri Church SNS Young Adults Ministry visited us, providing much comfort and strength on the ground. Additionally, several acquaintances who love Malawi have formed a small online prayer group, where we read the Bible together daily, share prayer requests, and pray together. This group has been a significant source of strength and spiritual encouragement for both of us. At the end of the year, we attended the Korean Missionary Conference in South Africa for the second time, following our attendance the year before. Through fellowship with many senior missionaries working in the same African region, we received much comfort and support. Even though Malawi is also in Africa, mentioning that we serve in Malawi often garners a sort of honorary respect from senior missionaries (possibly due to Malawi's status as a poor country). This year marked our second time attending the missionary conference, and it was a time when we felt particularly proud of our work in Malawi.

Luri, who is in the 2nd grade at an international school in Malawi, spends her time after school with the housekeeper who takes care of the house while we are away. She plays well with her friends and is healthy and happy.

However, since Minyoung Park started going to the office regularly, Luri has developed a habit of touching her belly button. Recently, this habit has increased, and we are worried that it might be due to stress from her mother's absence. Please pray for Luri's peace of mind, that this doesn't become a bad habit, and that we can be parents who can comfort her well.

Last month, Minyoung Park and Luri went to Korea for a three-week vacation. Although it was a short time, they were able to spend time with family they missed and enjoy the spring atmosphere in Korea. Despite the heavy fine dust, the beautiful spring flowers, delicious Korean food, and the efficiency of getting things done made it a happy time. We are grateful to God for allowing us this precious time of rest, and we apologize for not being able to visit and greet everyone personally.

We feel sorry for not sending updates more frequently due to the pressure of writing regular prayer letters. This year, we promise to communicate more often, even if it's just with short messages.

We confess that we are able to be here in Malawi because of your prayers.

Just as the branches that remain attached to the vine bear much fruit, we believe that even though we may be insignificant branches, we will live a fruitful and blessed life if we remain close to Jesus.

We bless our supporters, praying that your lives will be ones of obedience to the Word, seeking God's kingdom and His righteousness first, and prioritizing fellowship with the Lord. Let's live as beautiful branches this year as well.

Thank you. We love and bless you in the name of the Lord.

From Malawi, Seokyeol Lee, Minyoung Park, and Luri.


Prayer Requests

  1. Please pray that our family remains completely healthy in body and mind, so we can serve the Lord without any shortcomings.

  2. Please pray that we can share the Gospel with those around us through our lives and ministry. Pray that our lives will be like letters of Christ.

  3. Pray that we can maintain a good balance between our family and ministry, and that we can be parents who love and understand our daughter Luri with even greater affection.

  4. Please pray that we can fulfill our roles well as leaders of the Better World NGO’s Malawi branch.

  5. Pray for the ministry of Better World and the projects funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency. May God bless these efforts and grant wisdom and ability to the project managers and co-workers. Pray that through all our work, the glory of God's kingdom will be revealed, and that the local people we serve will come to know and worship God.

  6. This summer, from July to August, three teams are preparing for short-term missions: Onnuri Church Bridge33+, SNS Young Adults Ministry, and the Better World Executive Committee Team. Please pray that the right people will be prepared and that the Holy Spirit will guide and support every aspect of the preparation process.


Lee Seokyeol, Park Minyoung (Lee Ruri) Missionaries

Affiliated Church / Onnuri Church

Affiliated Organization / NGO the Better World (Malawi Branch)

Sponsorship Account / Hana Bank 573-90009526-37 (Lee Seokyeol Better World)

  • Donation receipts are only available for the above Hana Bank account.


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